CIS strives to offer a comprehensive management solution for your association. It is our goal to encourage your volunteers by making their jobs easier and to support your board of directors in establishing effective policy and communication within your association. We strive to protect your investment with effective and transparent accounting practices and innovative solutions to improving and maintaining your property.
HOA Management Introduction
During the first three months of our work together, we will develop a management plan by assessing your financial operations, policy statements and operating procedures. We may offer suggestions to revise your current operations or to adapt new policies. This is to help your board to become more effective or to bring the association into compliance with current regulations. The following are examples of the areas we review:
Association Policies
Policies such as the waiver of late fees and move in/out deposits will be reviewed and established if necessary.
Operating Procedures
Your manager may establish standard operating procedures. These often include distribution of keys, the running of Board meetings, the appointment and duties of a Board Liaison, etc. If necessary, the manager will advise the Board about a responsibility matrix for repairs.
We review the amounts budgeted to meet each of your expense categories to determine if the Association is operating within its guidelines and if it is used properly as a planning tool.
A review of the most recent Reserve Study shows us if the Association has set aside adequate funds for reserve expenditures. If the reserves are less than 70% funded, the Manager may review potential problems to assess the likelihood of upcoming special assessments.
We will make inquiries in to your Associations collection policies to ensure that the policies are in line with current codes and the regulations set forth in your governing documents. We will also review your annual collection disclosures.
We offer a variety of services to meet the needs of your association. Click below to learn more.